Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Restoration Treatments
Achieve thicker, fuller hair with platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections into the scalp to stimulate healthier hair growth with your own blood

About PRP & Hair
Men or women searching for a noninvasive option to have thicker hair without a surgical hair transplant should contact the ZO Skin Centre in Dallas, Texas about PRP. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections into the scalp are made with the patient's own blood-derived growth factors to assist in natural hair growth. While PRP injections are not hair replacement shots, they do stimulate healthier hair growth for hair that may be lost short term.
The best candidates for PRP injections will be in the early stages of hair loss or had an event that made your hair temporarily stop growing.
Administering PRP Treatments
At a PRP appointment at The ZO Skin Centre, a blood sample will be drawn to begin the blood refinement. The vial of blood will be taken to our lab where it will be spun in a sterile centrifuge to single out only the best growth factors and platelets from the blood. Before PRP injections begin, we will numb the scalp with a topical or local anesthetic. After the area is numb, the PRP will be administered multiple times just under the scalp with an ultra-fine needle. This treatment may take up to 45 – 60 minutes and can be accompanied with a microneedling treatment.
After Your Treatment
Each patient will have their own unique experience with PRP and results will be different. However, many of our PRP patients see a difference in the quality of their hair in 4 – 6 months with a series of follow-up appointments during that time. We will monitor, track, and make recommendations based on the response of the hair. To boost the health of the growing hair follicles, we may also suggest a repeat treatment every 12 – 18 months for better results.
Reestablish With PRP
If you have thinning hair without large patches of missing hair, hair loss due to hormonal changes (like menopause), androgenic alopecia, or dormant hair follicles, we can offer you a personalized consultation with our hair restoration team. With PRP, both men and women may have great success with growing stronger and thicker hair. Schedule your PRP consultation today at the ZO Skin Centre Dallas.
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We're here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options and look your very best. Your journey to radiant beauty begins with us – get started now!